
Can’t thank Lisa enough for getting a trustee account set up for my daughter. Have been trying to get an account opened and wasted weeks of my time with high street banks who had no idea what I needed and the solicitor who drew up the trust made it sound easy as just walking into a bank which was far from the truth! A cry for help on the internet search gave me the number for Simpson Financial Services, Lisa at the time was on annual leave and Hannah explained the process and we sorted all the documents out in readiness for Lisa’s return and 2 days of Lisa returning everything was submitted and account opened within a week.

So grateful to both for being so professional and prompt and understanding my sheer desperation to get an account sorted.

PS - Sept 2019

As executors of my late father’s will my step sister and I were charged with setting up a family trust for a moderate lump sum. We were very unclear on how to go about the task and worried by the legal implications. Luckily an internet search turned up SFS. I was delighted with the sound advice and clarity provided by Lisa.

The one-off service to source and open a suitable account offered good value for money and put our minds at rest. A very professional yet friendly service, all done via phone, email and post within a month, with no ongoing management fees. Thoroughly recommend.

JN - Sept 2019

After extensive research into setting up a Bare Trust for my children, I found Simpson Financial Services who offered the only practical solution to opening a bank account for the trust. Even the solicitors I contacted were clueless and had given up trying to open accounts for their clients! Lisa made the process very straightforward and once the required paperwork had been supplied the account was opened very quickly.

I cannot recommend her services more highly. Thank you!

BD - Aug 2019

Thank you so much for all your help in setting up the trusts as I have previously said life would be so much easier if everyone was like you. You have both been a pleasure to deal with, friendly, professional, proactive and have done absolutely everything you said you would in the times that you said you would.

What I expected to be a really stressful process turned out to be simple due to the way it was dealt with. The updates and communication have been fantastic from you both. The entire 6 months since my Mum has passed have been tainted with me chasing people to speed things up in order for me to move on and find out what the new normal is. I’m pleased that my last piece of the jigsaw included you as it has restored my faith that there are genuine people out there that go above and beyond and want to make the process easier and be as helpful as possible, I am truly grateful to you both.

KP - April 2019

When first requested by our Solicitor to open a Trust Account for the Trustees of my Father in law’s Will Trust, I assumed it was just a matter of speaking to one of the high street banks,  however, this proved to be incorrect and so I decided to investigate on the internet and found Simpson Financial Services and spoke with Lisa Simpson who helped us through this complicated process. 

We would definitely recommend them as Lisa was extremely helpful and the fees were very reasonable.

MP - April 2019

I echo many of the comments on this site; I was struggling to establish a Trust bank account with two siblings.  My high street bank was simply not interested and trawling through the internet was depressing and a waste of time … until I came across the Simpson Financial Services site. 

Lisa contacted me immediately to talk through what they could facilitate.  All paperwork was dealt with promptly in a friendly, efficient manner.  Acknowledgement of paperwork and progress received via email and phone calls.  It is a tremendous relief to all of my family that the Trust account is now up and running.  Thank you.

(And thank you for drying out the paperwork after it got wet on a particularly rainy day)

LJ - April 2019

I needed to set up trustee accounts for my two children who had inherited money from their grandfather. My initial assumption, that this would be easy to do without help, proved incorrect – it is a very confusing and complicated process, and there is little clear guidance available online.

I had nearly given up, and was about to approach a local solicitor as a last resort, when I found Simpson FS online. After reading through their site I realised that they seemed to offer exactly what I needed, so I contacted Lisa.

From that point on I had no concerns at all. After our initial phone conversation, Lisa guided me through every step of the process. She took the time to understand my needs, then found a number of options which provided me with what I needed, explaining the differences and allowing me to make the right choice. She did all the painful admin and form-filling, and everything was sent to me in a timely and professional manner.

The end result was online trustee accounts set up with a private bank which exactly meet the brief, and all done swiftly and smoothly. I would recommend Simpson FS to anyone needing guidance and help choosing and setting up a trustee account.

RK – March 2019

‘After a long and drawn out probate period, the solicitors informed us that funds from my late Uncle’s estate could be released into a Trust. We just needed to set up a Trustee account. Simple, right?

I couldn’t have been more wrong. None of the high street banks seem to do them anymore and weren’t very helpful when I contacted customer services. It quickly became apparent that this would be yet another long winded hurdle to get over.

Luckily, I came across Simpson Financial Services. They appeared to offer exactly the thing I was after - to source and set up a trustee account.

It sounded too good to be true but a couple of phone calls, a bit of information gathering and a simple form to complete and that was it.

The service was friendly, professional, informed, speedy and, most important of all, it took all the stress out of the situation for me. I was given regular updates throughout each state of the process and was confident I was in safe hands.

Extremely well recommended.’

AL – December 2018

"Everything already said in previous testimonials we can agree with and appreciate fully. We approached our own bank and had no joy or help with opening a trustee account. We had also approached a specialist bank ourselves but they wanted a substantial initial deposit just to open such an account.

We found Simpson FS on an internet search and at what was already a difficult time, Lisa took the reins and dealt with everything and sourced just the right account for us with a nil opening balance.

It would have been something quite troublesome and time consuming, and expensive, to set up otherwise. We were also more than happy to pay the fee for taking the task off our shoulders. The application went through first time, had we muddled through the form and documentations ourselves we could have had several queries raised and delays as a result. A professional service, excellent communication, complete peace of mind. I will be recommending Lisa to not only my own clients but also to my own IFA.

Very grateful and pleased we found them."

JF - July 2017

"I am one of 3 Trustees named in a Will and we had no success approaching local banks/building societies for an account that would allow 3 names on the account, or that would allow the size of deposit involved in this case.

I found Simpsons Trustee Accounts service via an internet search and spoke to Lisa, who explained the service offered, fee and timescales. I am pleased to say that Simpsons were very efficient, communicated promptly and clearly, made the rather complex account application form filling relatively easy, and that we now have an account that seems to satisfy our needs.

I say ‘seems’ because the account has been open only a couple of months and we haven’t done any transactions on it yet apart from initial transfer of funds, although I did phone the bank and they answered promptly and were very helpful

Simpsons involvement was a great relief to we Trustees and, based on my experience, I can thoroughly recommend their Trustees Account service."

GC - May 2017